[INFO] 「The HEART」が『2021 年度グッドデザイン賞』を受賞しました! [INFO] "The HEART" has won the Good Design Awards 2021!
今年の8月24日にオープンしました、NOIZがハードウェアデザイン、コンテンツデザインをPanoramatiksの齋藤精一氏が手がけました「KABUTO ONE」1階アトリウムのキューブ型大型LEDディスプレイ「The Heart」が2021年度グッドデザイン賞を受賞しました。
We are pleased to announce that “The HEART” as the LED display of cube form at the atrium on the 1st floor at KABUTO ONE which was opened on August 24th, 2021 has won the Good Design Awards 2021! Hardware design was by noiz and contents design was by Mr. Seiichi Saito, Abstract Engine Co., Ltd. Please check here for more information.