Hermes 2018 A/W window display

各ウインドウでは冬の景色を構成する要素を再考察し、寒色で覆われた風景の中に含まれる光の陰影やきらめきといった繊細な冬の色彩と自然の造形美としての「森」を、使われなくなった無数のリサイクルペーパーをくしゃくしゃに丸めたり、ラフに折りたたむことで新たに生まれる紙の質感によって表現しました。ニットでできた小さな動物がブランコやロープを伝って遊ぶ様子が、子どもの頃の笑顔あふれるプレイフルな時間を思い出させるような楽しいウインドウを目指し、今回のデザインタイトルを “Playing in the Forest” としています。

NOIZ desiged 6 stores window display for Taiwan Maison Hermès.The seasonal theme of Hermes for 2018 is “A VOUS DE JOUER! (LET’S PLAY!)”. We what if imagine the vibrant and pleasant forest that the animals play scattering and scattering leaves in the winter in the winter from this theme and worked on the design.
In each window, we reconsidered the elements that make up the winter landscape. The elements that make up the landscape in winter, the shadow of light contained in the cold-covered landscape, the shine, the color of winter and so on. We tried to express the beautiful-form of the inside of nature by using recycled paper that was rolled up and folded.The scene that small animals made of knitting move through swing and rope evoke the memory of the playful time when we were children. We named the title of this design “Playing in the Forest”.

Project Name

Hermes 2018 A/W window display


  • Year


  • Category

    Design Category, Display Design

  • Status


  • Location

    台北, 台湾 Taipei, Taiwan

  • Photo Credit

    A Pixel Studio

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