DNP Milan Design Week

──Patterns of Nature── 自然界には無数のパターンがあります。ひとつひとつのパターンは、それぞれに異なる環境の下、進化を重ねてきた歴史のユニークな表現型です 例えばシマウマの模様は、重なり合うことで個体の境界をあいまいにし、群として捕食者の目を混乱させ、スケールに応じて異なる機能を生んでいるといわれています。多くの生物の原始形態を保つと考えられる海洋生物の多くは、呼吸をするように色やパターンを変え、時には身を守り、時には求愛を行います。ランダムなようで、我々の計算をはるかに凌駕する機能と拡張性を持つ「パターン」というゆたかな知のかたち それらは様々なスケールで、時を超えて、多様な関係性をつむぎだします。



──Patterns of Nature── In nature, an infinite number of patterns exists.Each pattern is an expression of manifold evolution that occurred in unique environments.For instance, the stripe pattern on zebras is an evolutionary adaptation that help camouflage shapes of each body then confuse predators. Patterns can be generated time and time again to serve multiple functions in various scales. In the ocean, many living creatures still exist with primitive morphology. It is common for a number of them to change colors and patterns on their bodies, as easy as they breath, sometimes for pursuing a mate, other times for protect themselves. As such, nature spins a web of diverse relationships in forms of “pattern”, which surpass time and scale.


The exhibited work by noiz enlivens the unique quality as flexibility, programmability, and non-luminescence texture of the electronic paper. The work enriches the special quality of a wide array of patterns appears in nature. The Zebra Chair, which features the Turing Pattern, emerges out of the patterns then sometime melts into the background. Similarly, the Jellyfish Stool, also built using the electronic paper, changes colors gradually as if a group of sea creatures is slowly breathing. The realm of nature is full of patterns, one could say that all biological activities are some sort of patterns.

Project Name

DNP Milan Design Week


  • Year


  • Category

    Design Category, Exhibition

  • Status


  • Location

    ミラノ, イタリア Milan, Italy

  • Photo Credit

    阿野太一 Daici Ano

  • URL

    DNP Patterns as Time - Milan Design Week 2019

  • Collaborator

    Time Printing Design: AtMa / 照明:岡安泉照明設計事務所

    Time Printing Design: AtMa inc. / Lighting Design: Izumi Okayasu Lighting Design Office

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