2022-2023 Air Race Shibuya 2022-2023



今回はその第一弾として、渋谷キャストのウィンターイルミネーションをVRおよびAR世界に拡張し、渋谷キャストのスキャンデータおよび設計データを活用してVR Chat内にVR CASTを構築、そこでCASTの周囲および渋谷の上空を飛び回りながらエアレースができる「エアレース渋谷」を開催しました。VR空間内のエアレースは2022年12月にスタートし、各自が自由にレース名をつけて出走し、友人たちとレースを楽しむことが可能です。2023年1月から開催された第二期では、VR空間内のレースを名前で呼び出すことで、レースの様子を渋谷キャストの現地で、まるで目の前の空中でレースが行われているかのように、自分たちの出走レースを「体験」することが可能になります。現地の渋谷キャストの広場には、VR空間と同じスタート/ゴールのイルミネーションが設置され、ARもそれらをマーカーとして発動するなど、現実世界と仮想世界の境界をあいまいにする工夫をちりばめることで、訪れる人を拡張世界へと誘います。




① VR体験


② AR体験
VR Chat内での「エアレース渋谷」の飛行ログをレースごとに書き出し、渋谷キャスト現地でARとして再現しています。渋谷キャストの建築データを取り込んだオクルージョンを用いて、バーチャルレースを現地広場にて自由視点で再現することで、呼び出したレースの機体が建物の間をすり抜ける様子を、敷地内のいろいろな場所から体験することができる実地型ARです。ARアプリケーション構築はDETORが担当。


③ 物理会場体験


【 トリプルキャスト / エアレース渋谷2022-2023 】2022年12月12日(月)- 2023年2月26日(日)/ SHIBUYA CAST. GARDEN

NOIZ was responsible for the design and supervision of the façade and landscape of the Shibuya complex building “Shibuya Cast,” where the “Triple Cast” project was launched to integrate the VR/AR/physical world realms. NOIZ undertook the planning and platform construction for this project. As various XR environments become more prevalent in daily life, this project serves as a pioneering example of integrating VR, AR, and physical locations into a versatile environment.


As the inaugural phase, Shibuya Cast’s Winter Illumination was extended into the VR and AR worlds. Utilizing Shibuya Cast’s scan data and design data, NOIZ constructed a VR space called VR Cast within VR Chat. Within this space, they organized “Air Race Shibuya,” where participants could race around the vicinity of Cast and the skies of Shibuya. The VR space air race started in December 2022, allowing individuals to freely name their races and enjoy racing with friends. In the second phase starting in January 2023, participants could summon races by name in the VR space, allowing them to “experience” their races as if they were happening right in front of them in the air above Shibuya Cast.


At the physical Shibuya Cast location, a plaza was set up with illumination similar to the VR space’s start/goal points. Augmented reality (AR) markers were placed around the plaza, which, when activated, summoned virtual air races, blurring the boundaries between the real and virtual worlds and inviting visitors into the expanded reality.

NOIZ was responsible for the conceptualization, direction, technical and visual coordination, and supervision of the physical environment for this integrated experience. The main experiential realms of the project include:

  1. VR Experience: VR Cast was constructed within VRChat, allowing for the continuous hosting of “Air Race Shibuya.” Participants with compatible VR equipment could immerse themselves in the virtual air race, competing for the best time over a three-lap course set in the vicinity of Cast. After reaching the finish line, participants could freely fly around Shibuya’s skies and between buildings. VoxelKei was responsible for world construction.
  2. AR Experience: Flight logs of “Air Race Shibuya” from VR Chat were exported for each race and reproduced as AR experiences at the physical Shibuya Cast location. Using building data from Shibuya Cast and occlusion, the virtual race was recreated at the plaza, allowing visitors to experience aircraft flying between buildings from various viewpoints. DETOR handled the construction of the AR application.
  3. Physical Venue Experience: At Shibuya Cast Garden (plaza), Winter Illumination gates identical to those in the VR Cast were installed, along with limited-time photo spots in Shibuya. AR markers were placed in various locations around the plaza, allowing visitors to summon virtual air races from these points and experience races from those viewpoints. NOIZ was responsible for the design of the physical environment.


Triple Cast aims to create a versatile platform for interlinking VR, AR, and physical spaces, facilitating easier collaboration between expanded reality realms in future seasonal events and corporate promotional activities. Following Air Race Shibuya, plans are underway to continue implementing events and promotional projects using this platform.

[Triple Cast / Air Race Shibuya 2022-2023] December 12, 2022 (Monday) – February 26, 2023 (Sunday) / SHIBUYA CAST. GARDEN

Project Name

トリプルキャスト エアレース渋谷2022-2023 Air Race Shibuya 2022-2023


  • Year


  • Category

    Design Category, Design Method, Installation, XR

  • Status


  • Location

    東京, 日本 Tokyo, Japan

  • Photo Credit

    高木 康広 Yasuhiro Takagi

  • Collaborator

    東急株式会社 / 渋谷キャスト / VR: VoxelKei / AR: DETOR


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