ITRI Public Art Mountain Scape

The structure of this art work is simply a cubic grid frame, but the cubic chunks of dyed felt connect to the grid units in a seemingly random fashion. The combination start to emerge fluidity as organic quality. The felt cubes are dyed in 10 degrees of subtle gradation in blue by the local artist, creating a sense of infinity and depth in the space.

Project Name

ITRI Public Art “Mountain Scape”


  • Year


  • Category

    Design Category, Installation

  • Status


  • Location

    南投, 台湾 Nantou, Taiwan

  • Photo Credit

    阿野太一 Daichi Ano

  • Collaborator

    陳景林, 馬毓秀 / 天染工坊

    Chen Jing Lin, Ma Yu Shuo / Tennii Studio

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