This apartment in Harajuku is owned by a young couple who has a contemporary life style with keen interests in design. We were asked to work on renovation of the 4-bedroom apartment, except for master bedroom, bathroom and kitchen areas. One of the issues was that the existing living room on the south was rather narrow and lacked a sense of spaciousness.
Our solution was to convert the bedroom adjacent to the living room to a study, and insert a dividing wall between in between. When the wall is opened, the study becomes a part of the living room and the textured wood wall appears in the background, while privacy is secured when closed. The wall also accommodates bookshelves for the study. The study and the adjacent bedroom face the corridor, divided by dark green sliding doors installed in between. The sliding doors become a smooth wall with minimal seams when closed. Our furniture design includes wire side tables in the southwest bedroom, a console table in the entry area, and a wire credenza in the dining room 1. Other specially designed features include “ripple screen walls” located in the dining room 1 and 2, which effectively conceal small vent windows while letting light through.
Project Name
Design Category, Interiors
東京, 日本 Tokyo, Japan
Photo Credit
長谷川健太 Kenta Hasegawa
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