この展示デザインでは、彭薇(Peng Wei)の作品の優美さと繊細さーその光や空気の粒のレベルまで表現するにふさわしい展示環境をつくることを考えた。展示会場である台灣國立歷史博物館はかなり古い建物で、現代美術にふさわしい自然採光の展示空間をつくり出すことは難しかった。しかし我々はここに均一な光に満ちた白い空間を実現し、重量感のない静逸な空気のなかで、彼女の作品の繊細なマテリアリティーやディテールの美を最大限引き出した。

We designed an exhibition space for Peng Wei, who is a leading figure of contemporary Chinese art. Our design is intended to capture and enhance intricate materiality and details, as well as contemporariness of her work by providing a perfect environment – white, weightless and evenly-lit space. Exhibition space is configured echoing various scales of her art works. Entry path (Section A) features rock landscape paintings displayed on randomly placed triangular columns, offering a dynamic viewing experience. Her silk shoe series are installed at the end of the corridor, with its delicate colors and textures highlighted by the lighting wall behind. Consequently viewers are lead into an open exhibition space (Section B) where an array of super-long display tables with triangular section is placed, as a metaphor a wavy surface of water when an ancient traveler crossed the river. Here roll paintings are displayed on the tables, and fan works are displayed on the wall, along with a special piece symbolically framed and hung from the ceiling. The last part (Section C) is an intimate space featuring her shoe painting series. As the exhibition title suggests, her art work revolves around the concept of a travel, and we envision our spatial design as a traveling experience transcending time, scale and place echoing the essence of her art.

Project Name

Peng Wei Exhibition 2015


  • Year


  • Category

    Design Category, Exhibition

  • Status


  • Location

    台北, 台湾 Taipei, Taiwan

  • Photo Credit

    Tina Keng Gallery

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