BRIDGE TERMINALはNBF大崎ビル(旧ソニーシティ大崎)最上階の一画に設けられた社内用コワーキングスペース。領域を横断する協働とイノベーションの創出を目的とする。企画立案からプログラム策定、管理運営や家具のDIYまで、部署を越えて集まったソニー有志社員が行った。
BRIDGE TERMINAL is Sony’s community space on the 24th floor of the Sony City Osaki building. It is planned and now managed by volunteer employees who are from various departments of the company.
The concept of the TERMINAL represents a network of communications. The design language takes cue from the dynamic network of Haneda airport / JR Osaki railroads visible from the Bridge Terminal’s expansive windows. We intended to add some irregularity into office for inspiring extraordinary communication or events by letting this space switch to a runway, a sport watching cafe bar or a gymnasium and so on flexibly. We also designed the MAKER’S ROOM for digital fabrications and experiments, add the TEST ROOM for testing Sony products and services. Furniture were designed to carry a simple look, while each of them could extend and move to ensure creative variations of the spatial layouts.