新潟県長岡市を中心にはじまった「縄文文化発信サポーターズ」の活動の一環とする「縄文オープンソースプロジェクト」に参加した。 本プロジェクトでは、縄文時代を代表する造形である「火焔土器」を高精細スキャンにより3Dデータ化し、公開することで広い利用を促している。

We participated in the “Jomon Open Source Project” hosted by the “Jomon Culture Propagation Supporters” based in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture. This is a project to promote a broader usage of the “JOMON-DOKI,” a symbol of the Jomon Period by converting it into 3D data via high-resolution scanning.
We first focused on the string-like structure which is the fundamental attribute of the “JOMON-DOKI”, and extracted the string-like linear data from the polygon data. We then, created an aggregated shape similar to frog eggs or coral using an Algorithm, which distributed pomegranate cells around the ‘string input’ in a 3-Dimensional. We placed these rendering in the city image. As a result, apartment houses like fungi were completed. From “Experiment and Research” by the combination of algorithm and 3D data, a form inheriting the history and spirit of Jomon was created.

Project Name



  • Year


  • Category

    Design Category, Research / Concept

  • Status


  • Location

    東京, 日本 Tokyo, Japan

  • Photo Credit


  • URL

    Kaen doki - File_Kaen doki.stl

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