株式会社大京が展開する「ライオンズマンション」ブランドを新たに「THE LIONS」へと刷新するための、電通、NOIZによるコンセプト提案です。






自然の中に佇む住まいであることと、THE LIONSブランドとしての上質さを両立できるように意識され、遠くから見ると、ひとつの建築として憧れ感のある佇まいとしましたが、近づくと、さまざまな人や鳥や微生物などの多くの生き物の居場所になれるような、多孔質なファサードデザインとし、緑が生い茂る屋上も検討されています。

住めば住むほど、人の暮らしはもちろん、生態系や自然をより良くしていける”give and take”が、2050年の価値のひとつになるのではないかと考えています。




さらにマンションの中に長く突き抜ける「SKY LINE」は、人の生活が交差し、海上生活での健康を維持するためのランニングコース・サイクルコースとしながら、交流機能を巡る計画としています。




海上での暮らしは、さまざまな未知との出会いがある一方で、田舎のおばあちゃんと会いづらくなったり、小学校に通いづらくなるなどの制約を乗り越えるため「CONNECTED ROOM」を想定しています。

離れた人が空間や動作を共有することで、さまざまな場所にアクセスします。自由に特定の場所と繋がれるので、住む場所の制約を解放できると考え、建築同士のドッキングや「CONNECTED ROOM」を通じて、人を固定化された住まいから解放する。そして、移動や選択の自由がある住まいにすることで、未知の出会いや物語が広がる暮らしを提案しています。


【DESIGNART TOKYO 2023】 2023年10月20日(金)ー 10月29日(日)/ワールド北青山ビル

Dentsu and NOIZ proposed a concept to revamp “Lions Mansion,” a brand by Daikyo Corporation, into “THE LIONS.” During a workshop with Daikyo, they developed a concept called “The Continuously Moving Mansion” to meet the theme of “The Ultimate Mansion to Enhance the Value of Life.” They visualized an architectural structure that changes its view from the window, cruising between various ports, creating constant opportunities for diverse encounters and new places to belong, continuously expanding the possibilities of life. The vision was to shift away from the conventional concept of “real estate” towards the idea of a mobile dwelling on the sea.
Unlike traditional mansions fixed on artificial constructs of cities, this design allows the building to move through the vast natural environment of the sea. This creates a sense of “being welcomed into nature.” By moving across the sea, the architecture aims to contribute to the ecosystem, introducing new values. The rooftop is a habitat for migratory birds, while the floating base is an artificial reef, providing a home for marine life. It aims to create a space that nurtures biodiversity on multiple scales, not only for humans but also for various other living beings.
Energy is not just consumed but also generated through wave power technology, allowing the mansion to create energy simply by living on the sea. The design balances the brand’s quality with the sense of being part of nature. From a distance, the structure presents a single awe-inspiring architectural vision. Up close, the façade features a porous design to provide places for various people, birds, microorganisms, and other living things. The rooftop is also designed with lush greenery in mind.
As people live there, the concept creates a “give and take” relationship, where the architecture contributes to both human living and the ecosystem. This could become a new value for 2050. Although it’s a closed space of a floating mansion, it’s designed to create a place for various encounters and places to belong. It features a square-like area with a nursery school and a sports gym to naturally gather people for social interaction. The rooftop serves as a habitat for diverse flora and fauna, allowing various uses like walking, family meals, or simply watching the sunrise, depending on individual preferences.
Moreover, the “SKYLINE” is a long corridor running through the mansion designed to intersect people’s daily lives and maintain health during sea life. It also functions as a running and cycling course, promoting social interaction. With the diversification of lifestyles by 2050, owning a single room can become a constraint, so the concept allows the choice of rooms based on mood and lifestyle. For example, one could spend time in a room filled with books for reading, or in a room with a luxurious bath with a view. Using the network within the mansion, residents can share rooms, providing more diverse options for places to belong.
The proposal aims to move away from traditional “ownership” or “rental” formats by providing shared spaces with the flexibility to choose desired living conditions. Instead of being bound to one architectural structure, residents can freely move and choose where to live through a “docking” system with various ports and unique architectural buildings. Each structure has a unique design yet connects randomly like a tiling pattern, offering flexibility and freedom to move.
Living on the sea might create challenges, like difficulty in meeting relatives or attending school. To address this, the concept introduces a “CONNECTED ROOM.” By sharing spaces and actions, it allows people to access various places. This frees residents from the constraints of a fixed home, enabling freedom to move or choose places to stay. With building-to-building docking and “CONNECTED ROOM,” the proposal aims to free people from traditional living constraints, offering a lifestyle filled with unknown encounters and stories.
DESIGNART TOKYO 2023: October 20 (Fri) – October 29 (Sun) / World Kita-Aoyama Building

Project Name



  • Year


  • Category

    Design Category, Building Type, Research / Concept, Residencial

  • Status


  • Photo Credit

    NOIZ / DENTSU INC./ amana inc.

  • URL

    THE LIONS 2050

  • Collaborator

    Architectual Design:NOIZ / Project Planning:株式会社大京,株式会社電通,株式会社アマナ

    Architectual Design:NOIZ / Project Planning:DAIKYO INCORPORATED,DENTSU INC. ,amana inc.

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