Louvre 9 Exhibition 2015



今回も、ルーヴル美術館のキュレーター Fabrice Douar氏とのコラボレーションで、ルーヴル美術館の漫画コレクションを扱った “L’ouvre 9” 展の会場構成を担当しました。ルーヴル美術館はbande dessinéeと呼ばれるフランス独特の漫画の原画コレクションを所蔵しており、今回の展覧会では荒木飛呂彦も含む著名な作家の作品が多数公開されました。2・3階のメインギャラリーはルーヴルコレクションの展示、地階のギャラリーは今回の展示にあわせて集められた台湾の作家の作品展示という構成としています。


本展示の展示台であり特徴的なデザイン要素ともなっている “Leporello”(蛇腹状に折りたたんだ帯状の本)は、白塗装したアルミの無垢板を切削加工して現場で組み立てています。Leporelloを展示テーブルであると同時に空間要素として用いるというFabrice氏のアイディアを元に、noizで全体の配置構成を行いました。折曲がり、飛び上がり、沈み込みつつ連なるLeporelloに沿いながら、それぞれの漫画家の世界を構築する部屋を通りぬけるように展示を体験していく構成です。ルーヴル本館の写真をシルク印刷した大きな半透明の布や壁 を並べてギャラリー空間をゆるく仕切ることで、展示室が延々と続く壮大なルーヴル宮の雰囲気もMoNTUEの展示空間に持ち込んでいます。MoNTUE独特の巨大なガラス面で大通りに開けたの展示空間と相まって、突如ルーヴルの空間が台北の街の中に現れたような、あえて過剰な演出としました。展示画像は細密な原画から拡大された巨大なイメージまであえて多様なスケールや物に拡散させて、美術館内外にシュールな漫画の世界をつくりだすことを意図しています。

NOIZ in collaboration with the curator Fabrice Douar and Lucie Lom, designed the exhibition space for : “L’OUVRE 9: Open the Louvre’s 9th Art Comic Collection” at the MoNTUE (Museum of Taipei University of Education) in Taipei, Taiwan.


The site is both meaningful and familiar, as noiz has designed the museum interior and a series of exhibitions for MoNTUE since their opening in 2012. It was, therefore, an exciting experience to be able to revamp the space one more time. The exhibition celebrates and displays the unique cartoon art collection of the Louvre Museum, including works by prominent comic artist such as Enki Bilal and Hirohiko Araki. The main gallery 2F, 3F)is allocated for the Louvre Collection, while the basement floor gallery exhibits works by local Taiwanese cartoonists, which are also a part of the show. In response to the youthful atmosphere of the comic culture, noiz designed an unusually dynamic background for the exhibition. A flying ribbon structure invites the public into an interactive spatial journey, where, following each story through the sequence of cartoon displayed on the table, the visitor becomes the protagonist, involving in a succession of room reflecting the atmosphere of each artist.


The main design element, “Leporello” or a continuous folded paper book extending like a long strip of ribbon comes from Fabrice’s idea, are developed into long strips of folded aluminum plate, pre-bent and assembled on-site. Leporello serves as display table for the Original Art piece carefully protected by an acrylic sheet. The ribbon bends,vibrates, flies, sinks into the floor, and weaves through space, while unfolding different stories created by diverse cartoonists. Large screen prints on mesh fabric are hung from the ceiling or wall, portraying the Louvre, where viewers go through a grand spatial sequence of loosely divided exhibition rooms. These floating images are blended into the exhibition space, eventually get fragmented and randomized, and merge into the Taipei street-scenery surrounding the open museum. As the comic culture receives more attention and recognition in the contemporary art scene, exhibitions focusing on comic arts have also become popular. Yet,most designers of such exhibitions often follow commercial expo or minimalist art galleries’ styles. With “L’OUVRE 9: Open the Louvre’s 9th Art Comic Collection” we present a contemporary design approach to this art genre.The exhibition is planned to travel to Tokyo in 2016 follow by other Asian cities.

Project Name

“L’ouvre 9” Exhibition 2015


  • Year


  • Category

    Design Category, Exhibition

  • Status


  • Location

    台北, 台湾 Taipei, Taiwan

  • Photo Credit


  • Collaborator

    Lucie Lom

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