at NTT InterCommunication Center[ICC]
“Viewpoints of Reality in the Multi-layered World”
at NTT InterCommunication Center[ICC]
トリプルキャスト エアレース渋谷2022-2023 Air Race Shibuya 2022-2023
Waterscape and Playing Dome
XR HOUSE -北品川1930- XR HOUSE -Kitashinagawa 1930-
unnamed AR
“High Dimensional Model”
for 建築模型展ー文化と思考の変遷ー at WHAT MUSEUM
“High Dimensional Model”
for Architectural Model: Historical Transition as a Medium of Architecture at WHAT MUSEUM
“FIRE” at PLAY EARTH PARK, Tokyo Midtown
at NTT InterCommunication Center[ICC]
“Random Walk on the Multi-layered World”
at NTT InterCommunication Center[ICC]
[掲載情報] 2月7日掲載!『多層世界とリアリティのよりどころ ネット世界 批評的に切り取る』 [Publication information] Published on February 7, 2012! The Multilayered World and the Place Beyond Reality: The Internet World Critically Cutting Through"
[掲載情報] 『WIRED』VOL.47 THE WORLD IN 2023 [Publication information] "WIRED" VOL.47 THE WORLD IN 2023
[掲載情報] 12月10日発売!『あこがれの住まいとカタチ』 [Publication information] "Awa no Houses and Shapes" will be on sale on December 10, 2012! The home and shape you've always dreamed of
[INFO] 「unnamed ー視点を変えて見るデザインー」が『2022 年度グッドデザイン賞』を受賞しました! [INFO] "unnamed - Design from a different point of view" won the "Good Design Award 2022"!
[INFO] 「The HEART」が 第56回日本サインデザイン賞『金賞』を受賞しました! [INFO] "The HEART" won the Gold Prize at the 56th Japan Sign Design Awards!
[INFO] 事務所移転のお知らせ [INFO] Announce of moving office
[掲載情報] 9月8日発売!『週刊ファミ通2022年9月22日号 (No.1762)』 [Publication information] On sale on September 8! Weekly Famitsu September 22, 2022 (No.1762)
[INFO] 「OPEN HUB Park」が 2022年度 第35回日経ニューオフィス賞にて『クリエイティブ・オフィス賞』を受賞しました! [INFO] "OPEN HUB Park" won the "Creative Office Award" at the 35th Nikkei New Office Awards in 2022!
[掲載情報] 『ブレーン 』2022 No.745 企業の投資を活かし未来の指針を打ち出す「周年」企画のつくり方 [Publication Information] Brain" 2022 No.745 How to create an "anniversary" plan that makes the most of corporate investment and sets future guidelines.
[掲載情報] 『ELLE DECOR』No.176 いつも近くに北欧 Nordic Love [Publication Information] 『ELLE DECOR』No.176
[掲載情報] 『WIRED』VOL.45 AS A TOOL 気候危機を生き抜くツールカタログ [Media]『WIRED』VOL.45 AS A TOOL
[INFO] 「The HEART」が デジタルサイネージアワード 2022『優秀賞』を受賞しました! [INFO] "The HEART" won the "Excellence Award" at the Digital Signage Awards 2022!
[INFO]「リアルとデジタルの融合」をテーマに、「XR HOUSE 北品川長屋1930」にて共同実証実験を開始します [INFO] We will begin joint verification experiments at "XR HOUSE Kitashinagawa Nagaya 1930" with the theme of "Integration of Real and Digital."
[掲載情報] 5月6日発売!『建築家の基点 「1本の線」から「映画」まで、13人に聞く建築のはじまり』 [掲載情報] On sale May 6th! "Architects' Foundations: From 'One Line' to 'Film,' Exploring the Beginnings of Architecture Through Interviews with 13 Individuals."
[掲載情報] 『igloo #207 / Mobilitate / apr-mai 2022』 [Media] 『igloo #207 / Mobilitate / apr-mai 2022』
[INFO] 「The HEART」が 世界三大デザイン賞の一つ「Red Dot Design Award 2022」を受賞! [INFO] "Shadow In Motion" has won the 2021 Taiwan Environment Lighting Award !
[掲載情報] 『WIRED』VOL.44 Web3 [Media]『WIRED』VOL.44 Web3
[掲載情報] 2月17日発行!『FORE 2022年 通巻123号』 [Media] Released on February 17th! "FORE 2022 Issue, Vol. 123"
[INFO] ICC 企画展「多層世界の歩き方」 [INFO] ICC Exhibition"Walking in a Multi-Layered World"
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