Glorious Jewel Exhibition 2018

台湾・台北市の北師美術館(MoNTUE)で開催されたアジア有数の宝石貿易商による、アートフェア「Precious One」のための会場デザイン。「自然光の下でジュエリーを展示したい」というクライアントからの要望を受け、ガラスカーテンウォールで覆われた北師美術館の吹き抜けスペースに、アンティーク家具とガラスケースで構成する展示空間を考案した。直線的でクラシックな印象を与えるシンメトリーな配置によって、伝統を汲み、ラグジュアリー感を引き立てつつも、サイズに緩急をつけたガラスケースや展覧導線を周囲から自由に閲覧できるようにすることで、空間にリズミカルな印象を与えている。

The exhibition is called ‘Precious One’ because it is about rare estate jewelry, genuine antique furniture, and poetic photography. It is conducted within MoNTUE, where provides sufficient natural light. Unraveled the analogy of jewelry display as an intimate art fair. Aimed at becoming a creative catalyst for client’s corporate, the continuous exhibition hall abides by classic orthogonality of traditional distribution space, but the interlaced display box and antique furniture treated sophisticated concerning proportion and position within this framework transform the area into the contemporary art form.
The exhibition, in three compartments, entrance, main hall, niche, reified jewelry appreciation with various form and lighting. In entrance, subtle curve wall and midnight blue prepare visitors with calm and intriguing ambiance. In the main exhibition hall, diverse range of antiques in accordance with the various size of display boxes adds to a rhythm under a rich natural light. In niche, a further layer is created by dark finishes, low ceiling, and spotlight to show apparent contrast with adjacent space. The exhibition accentuates jewelry display to move forward while honoring natural, art, and historical references that break away from past and inspires future.

Project Name

Glorious Jewel Exhibition 2018


  • Year


  • Category

    Design Category, Exhibition

  • Status


  • Location

    台北, 台湾 Taipei, Taiwan

  • Photo Credit


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