Different degrees of lightness were required according to the nature of research at each laboratory in this research complex. It was not possible to adjust lightness by changing shape or size of each opening and such solution would also result in a disorganized exterior appearance. In addition, due to heavy-duty building service requirements to fulfill functions of the research facility, numerous ducts and pipes, which numbers and locations will increase in the future, would be exposed on the façades.
Our design solution was to provide soft veil-like facade layers composed of 4000 louvers, which are offset from curtain walls of the building. The interior light environment is controlled by adjusting densities and angles of the louvers, while the louver system gives the integrated appearance to the facility. The louvers resemble a school of fish- the louvers is positioned at various angles, while as a whole creating a large flow and giving a dynamic impression to the building.
The louvers are made of perforated aluminum sheet, creating light-weight impression of the façade while allowing exterior views from the interior to some extent.
Project Name
Design Category, Facade
台北, 台湾 Taipei, Taiwan
Photo Credit
阿野太一 Daici Ano
ローカルアーキテクト, 内装設計: 九典聯合建築師事務所
Architect of Record, Interior: Bio-Architecture Formosana
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