Wang Huaiqin Exhibition 2015

「山を出て-王懷慶展」が兵庫県立美術館で開催され、NOIZは会場構成を担当しました。中国を代表する現代画家のひとりである王懷慶の初の大規模な回顧展で、台湾のTina Keng Galleryが主催しました。王懷慶の独特な作品には、伝統的な中国文化の遺伝子と現代性とを併せ持つ抽象的なジオメトリーと日常にあるありふれた素材の質感とが融合されていて、大胆な手の痕跡やテクスチャー、そして抑制された色使いを用い、2次元と3次元の間を力強くかつ繊細に横断する表現が特徴です。
本展示の主眼となる代表作品 ”Out of the Mountains” (山を出て)は、ギャラリーの中心に唯一シンメトリーに配置したひときわ大きなボックスに展示しています。このボックスだけには例外的に内部空間を設け、王懷慶のスケッチを展示しています。メインギャラリーの広さとボックス内の親密さとに明快なコントラストを出すため、このスペースだけは暖かみのある色合いや材料で仕上げました。

イタリアの町でドゥオモとその広場が持つ中心性が核としてあり、底から外れるにしたがって幾何学的整合性の強さやスケールが断片化されていくような、さまざまな体験が隠された一つの街を歩き回るような体験を構成することを意図しています 。



NOIZ recently designed an exhibition named “Out of the Mountains: Wang Huaiqing Solo Exhibition” held at Hyogo Museum of Art in Japan. It is the first large-scale retrospective of Wang Huaiqing, one of the most influential contemporary painters in the world. Upon seeing Wang’s works, we were intrigued by the unique merge of abstract geometric motifs that originated from Wang’s Chinese heritage and unexpected materiality. We were also very attracted by the traces of delicate handwork, textures and the minimal color palette in Wang’s paintings. Although the sizes varied, most of the paintings carried a grand yet sensitive presence.


In response to these qualities, noiz designed several large boxes instead of typical partition walls and installed them in the middle of the exhibition hall. Each box was carefully coordinated and adjusted many times in proportion, size, orientation, as well as overall density to create unique momentum in space. The boxes allowed the hall to remain as a grand room, without being sub-divided into rooms, while providing a series of subtly varied space in terms of size and proportion.


Special efforts were paid to the key work of this exhibition, Out of the Mountains. The particular painting boldly extend from the wall to the floor defying the boundary between two and three-dimensions. We, therefore, created an extra large box with extended viewing distance. The main artwork was installed on the exterior surface of the largest box, while some of Wang’s related sketches were installed inside the box. The interior surfaces of the box were painted in a dark and warm color aimed to enhance the enclosure and intimacy of the space and the works it hosted in contrast with the vast openness of the main gallery.


Overall, the exhibition design aimed to create an impression of an infinite abstract mountain range that links time and space, echoing the theme of the exhibition. The art pieces were intentionally arranged not by their chronological order but by their size and style. This seemingly random arrangement invited the visitors to freely stroll back and forth, creating their own paths toWangs works as if they were exploring a dynamic landscape.

Project Name

Wang Huaiqin Exhibition 2015


  • Year


  • Category

    Design Category, Exhibition

  • Status


  • Location

    神戸, 兵庫, 日本 Kobe, Hyogo, Japan

  • Photo Credit

    Tina Keng Gallery

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