Wireframe Furniture
Su Xiaobai 2012-2014 Exhibition
“L’ouvre 9” Exhibition 2015
Pipe Chandelier
Dojima River Biennale
DIWO Self-Standing Shirts
Hsinchu County Stadium Installation
Tamsui Housing
House in Herher
Wuhan Departmentstore Facade
Swapping Chair
Spike Table
MUJI Template Exhibition “Minimal Waste Interactive Template”
Sonified Newron
Forest Table
Rui-An Apartment
Zhengzhou Clubhouse
Gravity Fields
Strata Fields
Wormhole Chair
“Prelude” Exhibition 2012
[掲載情報] 2月7日掲載!『多層世界とリアリティのよりどころ ネット世界 批評的に切り取る』 [Publication information] Published on February 7, 2012! The Multilayered World and the Place Beyond Reality: The Internet World Critically Cutting Through"
[掲載情報] 12月10日発売!『あこがれの住まいとカタチ』 [Publication information] "Awa no Houses and Shapes" will be on sale on December 10, 2012! The home and shape you've always dreamed of
[掲載情報] 5月6日発売!『建築家の基点 「1本の線」から「映画」まで、13人に聞く建築のはじまり』 [掲載情報] On sale May 6th! "Architects' Foundations: From 'One Line' to 'Film,' Exploring the Beginnings of Architecture Through Interviews with 13 Individuals."
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